Legal Notice


ARTICLE 11, SARL with capital of 7,700 euros, registered with RCS 428 769 806 Intra-community VAT no.: FR93 428 769 80611 rue de Phalsbourg – 75017 Paris Tel: 01 55 60 94 46 Publication manager: Sandrine Ledru


The company WP SERVEUR SARL, a company under French law with a capital of €10,000, electing domicile at 7 rue de la Cité Foulc 30000 Nîmes, registered with the RCS of Nîmes under number 808 840 474, VAT number FR86808840474, represented by its legal manager Fabrice Ducarme


The site respects the privacy of the Internet user and strictly complies with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms. No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is disclosed to third parties. The emails, email addresses or other personal information to which this site is addressed are not subject to any exploitation and are only kept for the time necessary for their processing. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, Internet users have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data which concern. This right is exercised by post, with proof of identity, to the following address:

Article Onze 11 rue de Phalsbourg 75017 Paris


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As of May 25, 2018, the European Union introduced new data privacy regulations (GDPR) regarding marketing communications and other consent preferences. The regulations state that in order for us to continue to communicate with you, we must ensure that you are willing to receive Article Onze broadcasts by email. We inform you of your presence in our contact database. Your information: first name, last name, email address(es), will be kept unless you exercise your right to delete data concerning you. During this period, we put in place all the means to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, so as to prevent their access by unauthorized third parties. If you want your personal data to be deleted from our contact database for this broadcast click here